On October 8, 2016, Lionsgate and Saban Brand dropped the Power Rangers reboot trailer.
For a movie that drops on March 24, 2017, I expected the first teaser trailer to drop, like months ago. Back in July 2016, Lionsgate and Saban Brand missed out on a huge opportunity to debut a trailer at San Diego Comic Con after hyping it up throughout the week. There was a full panel and Q&A session with the stars of the movie; Dacre Montgomery (Red Ranger/Jason), Ludi Lin (Black Ranger/Zack), RJ Cyler (Blue Ranger/Billy), Becky Gomez (Yellow Ranger/Trini), and Naomi Scott (Pink Ranger/Kimberly). The fans were expecting them to bring some sort of footage, but that didn't happen at all. There were character posters of the new group of teenagers with attitude released leading up to SDCC, Bryan Cranston was announced as Zordon, the movie action figures, power coins, and ranger helmets were all on display at the Lionsgate/Power Rangers section. Instead, Lionsgate showed the trailer for new Blair Witch Project. At the end of September, Lionsgate dropped five new character posters of the Rangers standing/sitting on their Zords. Bill Hader (Saturday Night Live) was also announced and casted as Alpha 5. In the week leading up to New York Comic Con, five more posters showing a more detailed look of the new suits. And then on the morning of October 8, the first teaser trailer for the Power Rangers reboot officially dropped! its Morphin Time!
If you haven't seen the trailer,
click here!

The Power Rangers trailer starts off with Jason, the red ranger talking with his dad. Jason has on a knee brace that he most likely got after a major football injury. He is also wearing an ankle monitor. it looks like he was probably on house arrest and his dad isn't too happy with the decisions that he's made. Angel Grove High School isn't what it was like in the 90s show. The school is kind of like a regular high school that's in a normal, regular town. On the show, Angel Grove looked like a clone of Burbank or Santa Monica, CA. In the trailer, it's like a lake town. All the Rangers are attending this Saturday school-like class where they all eventually meet. The five of them seem to be going through their own personal struggles and are victims of bullying to some extent except for Zack and Jason. Trini isn't super popular amongst people and is getting messages telling her to kill herself, Kimberly is being tormented by other cheerleaders on her squad for being in that class instead of practice, and Billy is the smart guy and the nerd so he is constantly bullied. The five of them travel together to this crystal-like mountain and see five colorful objects or power coins. After they blow up the rock and find whats inside, they take the stones that were inside and go home. When they show up to school, they start to recognize that they have extraordinary abilities. Throughout most of the trailer, they are figuring out what exactly happened to them and then eventually come across a place that could possibly be the command center with Zordon and Alpha or where Rita Repulsa is being held captive. And then the first glimpse of Rita as she is floating over Trini's bed. Attempting to kill her. The trailer ends with Jason morphing into the red ranger.

When I first saw clips of the Power Rangers trailer on Instagram and Twitter, I didn't know what to expect. It was completely different from what I thought it was going to be. The tone was completely different from the show and the two previous films. Throughout its 23 year run and still counting, the Power Rangers have always had a playful and fun tone with maybe one or two seasons that were a little dark. Fans from the 90s have been waiting to see a darker, harder, and grittier version of the teenagers with attitude. In 2015, a director named Adi Shannkar made a Rated-R reimagining of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Many fans enjoyed it, but a lot more hated it. Personally, I thought it was great. It had a great storyline attached to it and it ran smoothly. The 2017 film looks like its gonna be good! And I really loved the trailer. it was simple, it didn't expose too much, they kept the action scenes hidden for a later date, they kept Zordon and Alpha out of it. Then at NYCC, they Lionsgate and Saban Brand announced that Goldar will be in the movie! What do you thnk Rita meant by that she has killed rangers before? Did Zordon have a team before and Rita killed them all? Is Rita the original green ranger and turned on her team and killed them? Do you think Zordon is the original red ranger and Rita killed his team which caused them always fight?
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Nice!!! Very well put together cousin!!! #loveit
ReplyDeleteAye my brotha, this was dope man! Keep em comin'! I'm looking forward to your next blog.