The Wolverine 3 movie titled Logan has officially dropped its first trailer and I gotta say it looks like it may be the best Wolverine movie out of the trilogy. This will also mark the last time Hugh Jackman outs on the adamantium claws as Weapon X. It also marks Sir Patrick Stewart's last time as Charles Xavier. Logan takes place in the year 2024, a year after X-Men Days of Future Past. All the mutants have slowly but surely disappeared over the years. The X-Men have all passed it seems and the only two left are Wolverine and Charles Xavier. They must help a young girl survive and stay away from a company called Essex.
Click here for the trailer if you haven't seen it:

Charles asked Logan what he had done. All the mutants have either been killed, disappeared, mutant births took a great decline, or the timeline after Wolverine fixed it in DOFP is just really jacked up. As the trailer goes on, Logan is seen looking at scars on his body that aren't completely healed over. In the film his heal factor is greatly diminished and can't heal as smoothly and rapidly as he could when he was younger. Xavier seems to be very ill with either a brain disease, a very strong virus, or his old age has finally caught up with him. He tells Wolverine of a girl that will need his help and is much like him. The girl he is referring to is Lauren Kinney. Better known as X-23/Wolverine's clone played by Dafne Keen. She possesses all of Wolverine's powers, but her claws are pronged and has one blade coming out of each foot. It is also confirmed that the little girl is X-23. A doctor that works for Essex Corps tried to restart the Weapon X program and she was the end result of a successful clone. Or if you want to be technical, the daughter of Logan.

The main villains it seems like in the movie are the Reavers. In the comics, they were a group of mutants that were cybernetically enhanced and took on the X-Men numerous times. One of the main Reavers that are definitely in the film is Donald Pierce who is played by Boyd Holbrook. Him and the Reavers most likely find Logan, X-23, and Xavier from Caliban. A mutant with the power to track any mutant on Earth played by Stephen Merchant. It seems like Pierce and Logan have a past due to released footage shown of an arm cut off with a shotgun in the hand. Lady Deathstrike was one of the main Reavers in the 90s animated series, but i highly doubt that she will be returning for Logan. Mr. Sinister was also rumored to appear in the film, but it seems like that will be less likely.

A seen from the trailer that i really wanted to address shows Wolverine fighting off somebody with what looks like adamantium claws. Now we know X-23 is in the film, but i highly doubt that she went rogue during the film and turned on Wolverine. Plus her claws are pronged. The claws were pronged like X-23's at the top, but if you take a close look there's a third claw that looks like it's coming from the wrist. I know this may be a longshot and I'm going for it. The person who Wolverine is most likely fighting off is a mutant by the name of Daken. Daken is the son of Logan/Wolverine and one of the first bisexual comic book characters. He was born in Japan in 1946 to Logan and his deceased mother Itsu. In the comics, The Winter Soldier killed Itsu and Daken was cut from his mother's womb and survived due to his healing factor. Named Akhiro, later was raised and adopted by a wealthy Japanese family until one day he found out who he truly was. He would later show up as a member of the Dark Avengers created by Norman Osbourne as his Wolverine. Maybe in Logan, he was neglected by his father and is seeking revenge. Like I said, that theory of mine is a complete longshot.

This film looks like its gonna be a very good movie. Probably the best superhero movie that Fox has put out as far as Marvel Comics goes. Deadpool still has the top spot as their best movie, but with the R Rating that Logan has gotten there might be a little competition. In my opinion not counting Deadpool, the best X-Men movie is still DOFP. Logan looks like a different take on the Old Man Logan story minus the Disney Marvel characters. I want Sabertooth to show up in this film. Just to show some type of nod to the previous Wolverine movies.
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