Since Star Wars came out with The Force Awakens in 2015, people wanna know who is Rey? Played by Daisy Ridley, the character of Rey took Episode 7 by storm when her origin story seemed to mirror that of Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker. Her sudden grasp of the force and her ability to use Anakin's lightsaber to fight Kylo Ren raised a lot of questions. Is Rey a Skywalker? Is Rey the daughter of Luke? There are many theories, but I have two that I'm sticking to.

My first theory about Rey is that she is a Skywalker as well as a Kenobi. Which would explain why the Jedi mind-trick she used on the stormtrooper worked so well. I believe with this theory that Luke Skywalker is her father, but her mother is a Kenobi. Obi Wan might have had a secret family in another galaxy or system which included a daughter. After Obi Wan died and the events of Return of the Jedi, Luke went and sought out Obi Wan's family and fell in love with the daughter. Over that time frame, the betrayal of Kylo Ren happened, the First Order was born, Rey was born, and Luke could have hid her on Jakku for her own protection. Much like what Obi Wan did with Luke so that Darth Vader would never find him. And the rebel helmet she has in Episode 7 could be Luke's.

The last theory is that Rey is possibly the second child of Han Solo and Leia Organa. While he was growing up, Kylo Ren or Ben Solo was said to have had a major hatred for his father because Han left at a very difficult time in their lives. There is said to be a nine year age gap between Rey and Kylo Ren. Han and Leia could have had Rey and due to the turn to the Darkside of Kylo Ren, Han might have ran off so that he didn't have to deal with the pain. The story of Star Wars seems to be the Skywalker family possibly bringing balance to the force. Luke could have foreseen the problems and dangers ahead of there being two force-sensitive descendants of the Skywalker bloodline besides himself. General Snoke could be using Kylo Ren to hunt down Rey so that there will be no balance to the force.
There are so many theories looming around with the high anticipation of Episode 8 in December of 2017. Daisy Ridley let it slip that Reys parents will be revealed in the next installment. Many people also believe that the main character in Rogue One, Jyn Erso who is played by Felicity Jones will be teased or revealed as Reys mother. While that's highly unlikely, many fans are hoping that its the truth. I personally think that Maz Kanata, Han Solo, and Leia all know exactly who Rey is. Is she a descendant in the all powerful Skywalker bloodline? Or is she just one of those people who were just force sensitive? Star Wars Episode 8 hits theaters December 15, 2017. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opens December 16, 2016.
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