The Power Rangers movie definitely was a good, action-packed coming of age story. It did the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers saga justice. There were many differences between the 1993 rangers and the 2017, but the goal remained the same. Dean Isrealite did an amazing job of telling a more grown up and more reality based story of the rangers while still keeping the fun and campy things that we grew up to. The new group of rangers definitely brought out real life problems that a lot of people can relate to. Whether it's making bad decisions and learning to live with like Jason, accepting the consequences for our past mistakes like Kimberly, being autistic like Billy, fearing for a loved one's life like Zack, or being different because of our sexual preferences and being afraid to be judged by family and others like Trini was.
The movie started off with a prologue. It was set on Earth in the Cenozoic Era where we see a battle-scarred Zordon trying to save the Zeo Crystal from Rita Repulsa. In this telling of the story, Zordon is the original red ranger who is leading his own team to fight Rita and protect the crystal. Rita Repulsa was the green ranger on his team. She wanted too much power and wanted the zeo crystal so she betrayed Zordon and killed his team. Zordon died protecting the crystal and buried the power coins hoping that the next worthy five would find it.
I love how they actually went with the alien aspect for everything. Alot of people seem to forget that Zordon in an alien from the planet of Eltar. The armor/suits were alien as well as the zords. There were many nods to previous seasons of the Power Rangers like Dino Thunder and the original Mighty Morphin. Many fans will remember that the Zeo crystal eventually led to the rangers gaining new powers and abilities. So this might have been a nod to the future of the movie franchise. There were also two cameos that tugged at 90s kids heartstrings. The original Green Ranger, Jason David Frank and the original Pink Ranger, Amy Jo Johnson appeared at the end of the film as citizens of Angel Grove trying to take a picture of the Megazord. A mid credits scene showed up and teased the arrival of a beloved fan-favorite. Tommy Oliver.
My rating for the Power Rangers movie is a 9.5/10. It was everything I could ask for in a reboot for my favorite show growing up as a kid. The most exciting part of the whole movie for me was the fights. All the fight scenes had great effects and the zords were just incredible. The fact that they decided to go with the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie theme song to recreate one of the most iconic scenes from the 90s show definitely made me feel like I was four years old again. Dacre Montgomery, RJ Cyler, Ludi Lin, Becky G, and Naomi Scott did an amazing job as the rangers. Bryan Cranston was a great Zordon, Bill Hader did great bringing Alpha 5 to life, and Elizabeth Banks was stunning as Rita Repulsa.

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Jason, Billy, Kimberly, Trini, and Zack meet at a gold mining site where they find the power coins. These power coins then grant them special abilities like super stregnth, enhanced reflexes, indestructible bodies, and other abilities. These coins leads them to an alien spaceship where they meet Alpha 5 and Zordon and learn that they are destined to be the next team of Power Rangers. They must overcome their own personal problems and differences in order to morph and defend Angel Grove against Rita, her army of putties, and Goldar.

Follow me on social media:
Instagram: uncrownedprince94
Twitter: cambron510